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Flutter Version Management

Shorebird works with a wide range of Flutter versions and uses a private cache of Flutter installs which it will automatically manage for you to match your desired Flutter version.

When Shorebird CLI is installed, it pulls down the latest stable version of Shorebird’s Flutter. In this section, we’ll take a look at how to list and change the Flutter version used by Shorebird CLI.

Supported Flutter Versions

Android requires Flutter 3.10.0 or later.

iOS requires Flutter 3.24.0 or later.

macOS requires Flutter 3.27.3 or later.

windows requires Flutter 3.27.2 or later.

linux requires Flutter 3.29.0 or later.

Shorebird recommends using the latest stable version of Flutter whenever possible. When we make changes to Shorebird we do not currently backport those changes to previous release of Flutter.

List Flutter Versions

To list all Flutter versions Shorebird has published, use the shorebird flutter versions list command.

The Flutter version used by shorebird release by default is marked with a .

Use a Different Flutter Version

By default, Shorebird will use the latest stable version of Flutter. If you need to create a release with a different version of Flutter, you can use the --flutter-version option with the shorebird release command:

Terminal window
shorebird release android --flutter-version=3.10.6

Any patches created with this release will be built with the version of Flutter used by the release.

Disabled Flutter Versions

June, 11, 2024: Disabled releasing and patching for iOS 3.19.5 - 3.22.1 due to a bug where “try/catch” clauses would not always run the “catch” block after an exception was thrown. This bug only affected iOS apps after patching.

April 8, 2024: Disabled releasing for iOS 3.10.6 - 3.19.4 due to various crashers found in previous iOS releases. Patching continues to be supported.