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Codemagic Integration

Codemagic Workflow Integration

This guide will help you integrate Shorebird into your Codemagic Workflow using the Codemagic YAML.


✅ Shorebird CLI is installed on your machine

✅ You are logged into a Shorebird account.


Most Shorebird functionality, like creating releases and patches, requires being authenticated. In order to authenticate with Shorebird in CI, you will need to generate a CI token.

Terminal window
shorebird login:ci

You will be prompted to go through a similar OAuth Flow as when using shorebird login, however, shorebird login:ci will not store any credentials on your device. Instead, a Shorebird token will be generated for you to use in CI.

The output should look something like:

$ shorebird login:ci
The Shorebird CLI needs your authorization to manage apps, releases, and patches on your behalf.
In a browser, visit this URL to log in:
Waiting for your authorization...
🎉 Success! Use the following token to login on a CI server:
export SHOREBIRD_TOKEN="$SHOREBIRD_TOKEN" && shorebird patch android

Next, copy the generated SHOREBIRD_TOKEN and navigate to your Codemagic secrets via:

  1. Go to “Environment Variables”
  2. Enter SHOREBIRD_TOKEN as variable name
  3. Paste the token into the variable value field
  4. Select or create new group, such as “shorebird”
  5. Ensure “Secure” is checked

We recommend using the variable name SHOREBIRD_TOKEN as it’s the default name used by the Shorebird CLI. If you choose a different name, you’ll need to set the SHOREBIRD_TOKEN environment variable in your Codemagic workflow manually.

Screenshot of the "Environment Variables" tab in

Codemagic Workflow Editor

Unfortunately, the Codemagic Workflow Editor doesn’t support changing the build command. As a result, you will need to use the Codemagic YAML file to integrate Shorebird into your workflow.

Codemagic YAML

If you don’t know how to use the Codemagic YAML, please refer to the Codemagic YAML documentation.

In the codemagic.yaml file, specify the SHOREBIRD_TOKEN under environment.

  1. Add the group “shorebird” to your environment groups. If you’re using a different group name, use that instead.
name: Example
# Exports the SHOREBIRD_TOKEN environment variable
- shorebird
  1. If your target is ios, you need to specify the code signing mechanism. First you need to setup provisional profile and certificate for that. You may find the setup here.
name: Example
distribution_type: ad_hoc # or app_store | development | enterprise
bundle_identifier: your package name # for wildcard provisional profiles
  1. Add a script to your workflow to set up Shorebird. This script will install Shorebird and add it to your PATH.
- name: 🐦 Setup Shorebird
script: |
# Install Shorebird
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash
# Add Shorebird to PATH
echo PATH="$HOME/.shorebird/bin:$PATH" >> $CM_ENV
  1. Execute Shorebird commands in your workflow.
- name: 🚀 Shorebird Patch
script: shorebird patch android

Full Example

Here’s an example of a complete codemagic.yaml file:

name: Example
# if target is ios use below signing configuration
distribution_type: ad_hoc # or app_store | development | enterprise
bundle_identifier: your package name # for wildcard provisional profiles
- shorebird
# if your target is ios add signing configuration
distribution_type: ad_hoc # or app_store | development | enterprise
bundle_identifier: your package name # for wildcard provisional profiles
flutter: stable
- name: 🐦 Setup Shorebird
script: |
# Install Shorebird
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash
# Add Shorebird to PATH
echo PATH="$HOME/.shorebird/bin:$PATH" >> $CM_ENV
- name: 🚀 Shorebird Patch
# 'shorebird patch ios' if ios
script: shorebird patch android

You can find a working example in this repository: codemagic-shorebird-demo

Advanced Example

If you want to specify the operation type (patch or release) externally, you can use environment variables in your workflow.

name: Advanced Example
TYPE: 'patch' # Can be 'patch' or 'release'
# Exports the SHOREBIRD_TOKEN environment variable
- shorebird
flutter: stable
- name: 🐦 Setup Shorebird
script: |
# Install Shorebird
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | bash
# Add Shorebird to PATH
echo PATH="$HOME/.shorebird/bin:$PATH" >> $CM_ENV
- name: 🙌 Shorebird Build
script: |
echo "➡️ Using type: $TYPE"
# If type is neither "patch" nor "release", exit with error
if [ "$TYPE" != "patch" ] && [ "$TYPE" != "release" ]; then
echo "TYPE must be either 'patch' or 'release'"
exit 1
# Check type and run corresponding command
if [ "$TYPE" == "patch" ]; then
echo "🩹 Running patch command"
shorebird patch android
elif [ "$TYPE" == "release" ]; then
echo "🚀 Running release command"
shorebird release android

Now, you can execute the workflow, as shown below:

Terminal window
curl --location '' \
--header 'x-auth-token: YOUR-AUTH-TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"appId": "YOUR-APP-ID",
"workflowId": "advanced-example",
"branch": "main",
"environment": {
"variables": {
"TYPE": "release"

This command will run the release command. If you want to run the patch command, change the TYPE variable to patch.

To obtain your x-auth-token, please follow the Codemagic API authentication docs.